Statement of Purpose

We strive to build bridges with those who are searching, and those who have found their own truths.

Friday, May 16, 2014

End of the Year Wrap Up Post!

Hello friends!

This is a bittersweet post, as it the final VIA post of this school year! As I sit here at my desk, I am thinking of all the positive things Values in Action was able to do this year - even in the brief amount of time allotted to us!

When I was hired this year to run the VIA program, I had a lot of exciting thoughts, knowing that many things would not be exceptionally popular until we had a solid foundation, and we gained just that!
So far, our team did a few amazing things;

- Took a team trip to Cambridge, Massachusetts, where we met up with the Values in Action team at Harvard University, as well as the Humanist Hub. We got some awesome information as well as made great connections (as well as friends). To read more on this and see some pics, click this link!

- We also had a Values in Action open house event! The turnout wasn't huge, but it was fun to meet up with some cool individuals interested in getting involved with VIA!!

- Values in Action also had their first ever service opportunity! We took to the Hamline Midway area and worked with the senior citizens living there, cleaning up their yards and getting ready for spring! Our trip was small, but worth it and thoughtful nonetheless. We have to start somewhere!
 (I was honored to receive a service award from the Wesley Center for my efforts with Values in Action!)

- Ask an Atheist day!! We coordinated with the Secular Student Alliance at Hamline and set up a table in Anderson Student Center and answered questions all day regarding our ideas and views. This was cool because it gave both groups great exposure while also advocating for the secular students of Hamline.

- Finally, the most recent event to represent the Values in Action Program was the Interfaith Panel, hosted by Hamline University. I was on the panel representing the atheism/humanism 'faith'. There were eight individuals on the panel, including myself, all representing different religions. We had everything from Christian to Shamanism. Muslim, Hinduism, Baha'i, Buddhism, Judaism and me! Humanism.
Each of the panelists spoke with such eloquence and respect, and the event was a huge success! It's such a positive reinforcement for me, as a secular being, knowing that I can count on my campus to include the non-theists on a panel about interfaith.

Huge shout out to my supervisors and supporters as well as the Wesley Center for Spirituality, Service and Social Justice for being so awesome about funding and overall support. 
We are looking forward to returning next year, excited to get more involved and continue to do more good in the world! 

Until then, stay tuned!
Best, Sofia White 

~We strive to build bridges with those who are searching, and those who have found their own truths.~

Friday, May 9, 2014

Interfaith Panel Event!

Hello everyone!

We have another opportunity for people to join in and discuss interfaith at Hamline University!

Multi-Faith alliance (sponsored by the Wesley Center) is hosting an interfaith panel of students and members of the community to speak at! The event is free and open to the community, and will have a facilitated conversation between many different faith and non-faith identities.

I am proud to be representing myself as a humanist atheist.

Other religions will include members of; Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Muslim, Baha’i, Shamanism, and Judaism!

If anyone is interested in attending this event, it will take place on Tuesday, May 13th at 4:30 in the Anderson Student Center!
I hope you will consider coming!

Best, Sof

First Service Opportunity!

Hello friends!

This past Monday, the Values in Action program has its very first service opportunity with the Hamline-Midway Elders!
We had a group of a couple students and our supervisor volunteer up their time to rake, and do some yard work for a senior home in the area.

It was a beautiful day, and it was clear our hard work was well appreciated. Although it was small, it was the Values in Actions first service opportunity, and we are very excited to see what we can do in the near future.

Again, a huge thank you to everyone who came out to help!

Also, check out our new logo for VIA! 

Have a great weekend everyone! 
Best, Sof