Statement of Purpose

We strive to build bridges with those who are searching, and those who have found their own truths.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Welcome to a New Year!

Hello friends!

Welcome back to a new year of Hamline's Values in Action news! We are very excited to get VIA up and running right off the bat this year. So many exciting things and changes coming up!

If you'd like to quickly get caught up on a few of the things VIA did last year, read about it by clicking here! 

As I've mentioned above, this year will be bringing about a couple new topics of business. As far as the changes being made, one major idea being implemented this year deals with the way VIA will handle its service to the community. You see, last year was all about getting the foundations set, gaining a following, and dipping our feet in some service and the program as a whole.
However, now that VIA is actively present in the Hamline Community and has stood on it's own for almost a year (Wow!), it has been decided that the Values in Action program will start to be more social justice oriented.

For lack of better words, we want the Values in Action Program to focus its work on breaking down the stigmas of atheism, as well as working to improve the views and opinions towards secular beings. Essentially, bringing back the hopes of what this program could achieve from the beginning.
I personally believe this angle will be more fulfilling for not only myself, (really, any work I do with students involving service is pretty rewarding) but more importantly, for the students who choose to get involved. The conversations will be more thought-provoking including controversial current issues involving our beliefs (or lack of). Engaging members into conversations about stigmas they've felt, or perhaps injustice they've felt personally brings us back to the social justice initiatives.

The other news for this year is in regards to my position as student leader. I am excited to announce, I will be leaving for Africa, more specifically Morocco in January for a five month long study abroad! During this time, I will obviously not be attending Hamline, and thus will be looking for a replacement to take my position as Student Leader of the Values in Action program.
I am currently working on a job description to present to the student body once my search begins, but I wanted to explain this upcoming shift in administration.

That's all for now! Looking forward to begin working with the Secular Student Alliance this year, and planning some cool service projects!

Stay tuned for more coming up soon! And have a wonderful day, 
